Memorial to the victims of Horthyliget

Memorial to the victims of Horthyliget

Boráros tér, 9th District, Budapest, Hungary   The writer Zsolt Kácsor and János Schiffer, president of NÜB (National Association of Victims of Nazi persecution) initiated the idea of a memorial to the innocent people interned in Horthyliget in 1944. The memorial...
Bohem Art Hotel, Budapest

Bohem Art Hotel, Budapest

The interior design concept of the hotel in downtown Budapest was inspired by contemporary Hungarian paintings. Each hotel room has a blown-up print of a painting by a contemporary artist covering an entire wall. Each painting’s colours and shapes guided the interior...
Lombard Office Building, Szeged

Lombard Office Building, Szeged

Our company was awarded the commission through open bidding for the interior design of a newly constructed office building with a total office space of nearly 5 thousand square meters. The design process started with the construction work and it took seven months. In...
Cheesmaker’s Shop and Office, Budapest

Cheesmaker’s Shop and Office, Budapest

In the sixth district of Budapest we converted a TV repair shop into a cheesemaker’s shop. At the owner’s request we created the work area in one common space around the grand conference room/executive office and we put the service area in the back. On the conference...
Képíró Restaurant, Budapest

Képíró Restaurant, Budapest

The restaurant used to be one of the finest downtown places in Budapest. When it passed into new ownership, it went through a significant makeover. The street-level restaurant was served by a kitchen located in the basement. We hung oversized prints on the walls some...